Tigermama talks

Monday, January 31, 2011

The Nest

Lately the game is all about baby dinosaurs in the nest. Tigergirl and Tigerboy will spend hours making up elaborate stories and then act them out with their "props". Last week they fell asleep in the midst of their game. I'm so glad they are such good friends.

Friday, January 28, 2011

The View

And I'm not talking about that horrible show where 4 or 5 women screech at/over each other on Amercian television (sorry, that show drives me nuts). No, this is the LOVELY view from my back window. And you people in Japan think all the power lines there are eyesores....at least they aren't a jumbled mess like the ones here. :-)

Monday, January 24, 2011

Proof they are learning Arabic:

Damascus. I followed the woman with the stuff on her head for ages trying to get a better picture but she was too fast:

Mobile veggie stall:

The Beirut Marathon. Smoking at the finish line...just what the runners need: