Tigermama talks

Monday, October 06, 2008

Busy busy

We have been touring Lebanon like mad since Tiger-aunty arrived. I have so many pictures and stories that I don`t know where to begin. I`ll start with something short and easy because I don`t have much time right now. Remember back in August when I blogged about going to Byblos and looking at the fish fossils? Well, on Thursday last week, the kids and I took Tiger-aunty to Byblos and we were on our way to that same museum when my phone rang. It was the proprieter calling to see if we were free on Saturday to go fossil finding. What a coincidence! So, Saturday afternoon we headed up the mountain with our very kind host and a few other groups of people to look for fossils. Can you see the people on the pathway? We had to hike about 10 minutes to get to the spot:

We were so lucky to get to have this experience. There are only two places in all of the Middle East where these fossils have been found and both of them are here in Lebanon. Pierre (our host) is quite famous and has been written about in The Lonely Planet and in CNN`s science magazine. He is very passionate about his fish and very generous with his time and knowledge. Here he is showing us how to break the rock:

He even let us keep the fish that we found! Basically, you can keep anything you find unless it is something rare that belongs with the collection at the museum. We found quite a few fossils and got to take all of them home. Here is a sample of our find:

Can you believe those fossils are over 100 million years old?

And here we are hard at work chiseling the rock:

It was a really great afternoon!


  • At 5:50 PM, Blogger shinshu life said…

    What an amazing experience! It's hrd to imagine that area under water.

    I bet Tiger Aunty will have trouble topping those omiyage!

  • At 5:55 PM, Blogger jan in nagasaki said…

    ooh, fish fossils sound nice!!!!
    and the kids look comfortable holding those spikes and hammers.

    how cool!!!!

  • At 12:31 AM, Blogger Tigermama said…

    Fukases, apparently the area was pushed up from the bottom of the sea. I didn`t quite get how it happened but I remember Pierre explaining that fact.

    Jan, they were TOO comfortable with those spikes, if you ask me! :)

  • At 7:13 AM, Blogger Gina said…

    Looking for fish fossils sounds so cool to me! Also the history where you are living seems to be so rich and go back way before bible days. It's amazing to me. It's honestly really really cool Tigermama. And you said, those fossils are over 100 million years old, wow. : )

    I think Tiger aunty is probably enjoying her time there, with you and the kids and your hubby. : )

    PS, the kitty is getting big! : )

  • At 10:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Wow, fish fossils what an amazing adventure! The young Indiana Jones.. hehe

  • At 8:28 PM, Blogger Lily said…

    What an amazing chance. The Tigerkids will see the pics of this someday and hold the fossils and think what a fantastic life they lead!

  • At 10:17 PM, Blogger Tigermama said…

    Hi Gina. It was very cool...an unexpected bonus for us this past weekend. It`s sometimes hard to believe how ancient things are here.

    GirlJ. I`ll have to rent that movie for the kids!

  • At 10:20 PM, Blogger Tigermama said…

    Lily, I certainly hope so! I`m getting them to draw some pictures to send to Pierre to say thank you. I want them to appreciate the opportunity, you know?!

  • At 7:21 PM, Blogger Kappa no He said…

    You got to keep the fossils! What a (literally) priceless adventure! I bet the kids were crazy excited.


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