Tigermama talks

Wednesday, May 14, 2008


Well it`s taken me FOREVER, but I`m finally getting around to posting the "8 random facts meme" that Midori tagged me for back in April. I thought I would do it for Tigerboy in honour of his 5th birthday (May 14)!

1.) Tigerboy was, and I quote, "A GIANT BABY"...weighing in at 4300 grams. That`s like 9lbs something. Big in Canada, HUGE in Japan.

2.) Tigerboy is very very sweet. He loves to snuggle and cuddle and he always makes sure that I kiss, hug, and blow kisses with him when I drop him off at kindergarten. Every morning until he turned 4, he would stumble into the living room and wait for me to snuggle him on the couch. He only needed about 5 minutes and then he would be ready to start his day. I always ask him if he will always snuggle and kiss me and he says, "Even when I am OLD!". Haha. I will have to get that in writing!

3.) Tigerboy is very exacting. He likes to "make things neat" including his environment, his clothes, and his toys. He can make amazing ships and buildings with blocks. They are intricate and colour-coded and very very detailed. He draws pictures like this as well. I imagine he will be an engineer or an architect when he grows up.

4.) Tigerboy is a good dancer. We had a dance competition for all of the kids at our sayonara party in Okinawa and they had to watch and copy Michael Jackson`s video "Thriller". Well, you should have seen Tigerboy`s moves! He had the head movements, shoulder movements, and great timing.

5.) Tigerboy LOVES icecream. I can get him to do ANYTHING if there is icecream in it for him.

6.) Tigerboy (and Tigergirl actually) loves all of the Star Wars movies. There is much discussion about Darth Vader and Anakin Skywalker and how one became the other. The "Dark Side" is also a topic of much discussion and I find it very useful for teaching about morals and life in general. Sometimes Tigerboy will say, "that man has gone to the dark side, hasn`t he?" and I will say, "Yes he has, you shouldn`t litter!".

7.) Tigerboy`s name was actually the name we had chosen for Tigergirl if she had been a boy. It means Ocean in Japanese and Hawaiin and, since we have always lived by the sea, it is fitting. It`s also an easy name to make cute. I call him "My Kai Guy", "The Kaimeister", "Kai-bear", and "Kai-kun".

8.) Kai is exceptionally well-behaved and easy to parent. He listens and follows directions without any arguing. ALTHOUGH, he does have quite a temper on him. It takes a lot to make him mad, but once he has crossed that line, there is nothing I (or anyone else) can do to appease him. Thankfully, it is a very rare occurence for this to happen. I can remember 2 or 3 tantrums that were HOURS long.

Bonus Fact: Kai loves to wear yukatta. Whenever we stay at an onsen, the first thing he does is ask where the yukatta is and puts it on. Oh, and it has to be "neat" with the obi tied perfectly!

We love you Kai!


  • At 4:24 PM, Blogger Gina said…

    What a sweetheart!!! I just loved reading all the wonderful little facts and things about Kai!!! : )

  • At 6:26 PM, Blogger M said…

    Gorgeous!!! Happy belated birthday to Kai!!! He has gotten so big but that is not surprising considering I haven't seen you guys since I was pregnant and look how huge Joey is now. Methinks we will have to organise a middle east/ european get-together at some point after you move!

  • At 11:36 PM, Blogger Perogyo said…

    Ah man! He's so adorable!

    Did you make all those cakes? They're awesome!

  • At 12:30 AM, Blogger Sheri said…

    That's so cute! HE'S so cute! I can see similarities between our boys.
    Happy belated birthday, Kai!

  • At 5:40 PM, Blogger Sarah@mommyinjapan said…

    Those cakes are amazing!!!

    Have you read "I'll Love You Forever" by Robert Munsch? Your thoughts about Kai made me think of that book.

  • At 7:54 PM, Blogger Tigermama said…

    Gina, thanks!

    Midori, it so fast how they grow. I was thinking the same thing about your Joey when I was on Flickr the other day!

    Medea, I did make those cakes (except the icecream cake for his 4th....that was from Baskin and Robbins!). It`s not very hard to do if you have the right template. I found everything online!

    Sheri, after our lovely lunch today, I can totally see similarities between our boys. I think they would be great friends given the chance!

    Sarah, we absolutely love that book here at the Tiger household. It`s been a favourite since Tigergirl was 2. I think I even have a video of her "reading" it! :)

  • At 9:08 PM, Blogger flapjacs said…

    Looks like Tigermama needs to open a Chatty Cafe! your cakes are amazing!

  • At 6:38 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    hey, i call my kai, KAI GUY, too!!!

    he is still the cutest damn kid that i have ever seen.

    my kai is a bit of a neat freak, too. Buttoning up shirts carefully. tucking in shirts carefully. Laying out bed sheets carefully. Polar opposites with his brother.

    Happy birthday Tigerboy.....

    oh and my kai was 4172 grams too at birth, his siblings were under 4000......

  • At 5:58 PM, Blogger Kappa no He said…

    I saw your comment on Mary's blog and followed you here. Hope you don't mind. What a gorgeous little man! And it's almost yukata and ice cream season. Yay! I'm in Shizuoka, btw. Practically neighbors!

  • At 7:03 AM, Blogger Mary Witzl said…

    Wow -- 4300 grams? Good God -- my last kid was 3,833 grams and she was the biggest in the entire hospital for a whole three weeks. (Which is how long it took me to recover from her birth...)

    Those are great cakes. My kids were always thrilled with the ones I baked, but mine were strictly square or round -- nothing fancy. And how neat that you had a boy on Boys' Day! Definitely get that hugs thing in writing as soon as you can and make sure you've got several witnesses.

  • At 9:38 PM, Blogger Mary Witzl said…

    I've just come back for another visit. I can't believe I forgot to tell you how cute your boy is. (Though I hardly need to point it out, do I? I'm betting he gets all the "Waa, kawaiiii!" his ego can take!)


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