Tigermama talks

Wednesday, January 23, 2008


Every day this week I have been warned by various people that it`s going to snow tomorrow so GET READY! So, every day I wait for the snow and wonder what it will be like and what kinds of things will I have to do in order to GET READY. Will I have to go outside 30 minutes early to scrape off the ice from the car windows and start the car so it can warm up? Will I have to put antifreeze in the engine? Will I have to plug the car in in the evening so that it will start the next day? Will I have to shovel the snow from the entranceway and also 10 metres in either direction? Will I have to wear long johns and a toque along with my parka? The answer is NO, I will not have to do any of those things because snow here is a light dusting of beautiful powdery flakes that melt when they hit the ground. It`s like the kind of snow they use on a movie set to create the right effect. It is "kitten-like" snow. It`s nothing but a tad colder than usual and somewhat wetter.

P.S. Would someone please tell my MIL that we don`t need snow tires on the minivan!


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