Tigermama talks

Sunday, April 27, 2008

American Idol!

I knew season 7 had started but hadn`t yet watched one episode. Then, due to an unfortunate turn of events this weekend (puking and a stomach infection), I found myself watching it online. All I can say is, WHY WHY WHY?!?!? The person voted off last (I think it`s 7 left now) should NOT have gone home.

On another note, we have an estimated date of departure complete with airline tickets and hotel reservations! EEK!

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

The Park: Tigergirl Style

Tigergirl loves the park but only when she can play her way. Basically, she uses every piece of equipement in a way that it`s not supposed to be used:

Last weekend Tigerpapa found the ultimate "Tigergirl" park. It was awesome. There were 50 different contraptions to overcome and TG and TB (to a degree) did them ALL!

Monday, April 14, 2008

Early Retirement

Tigermama: What shall we do today?
Tigerpapa: We can go for coffee...
TM: Of course! And we can take a walk.
TP: How about 10km. Is that too long?
TM: Not when we have all day to do it.
TP: Right. Good point.
TM: I imagine this is what it`s like to be retired.
TP: Hahahahahahahaha.
TP: Do you think we should be doing something?
TM: Probably. Are you studying French.
TP: I should be.
TM: So, do that!
TP: What about you?
TM: Hmmmm???????

So everyone....what would you do if you had lots and lots of free time? Keep in mind that I can`t make any commitments (like getting a job!) as we will be moving far, far away in 2 months time.

Monday, April 07, 2008

Look who`s in Grade one!

I`m so behind on blogging! I have all kinds of things to write about but can`t seem to get on top of it. We had a fabulous month at my parent`s place and have just started to get into the groove of life back here in Yokohama. It`s not for long though....soon we will be moving again.

In the meantime, Tigergirl started First grade. Here she is at her desk:

And with me at the entrance to her school:

This past weekend we went hiking in Shizuoka Prefecture (west of Tokyo). It was incredibly beautiful. If I hadn`t been so tired, I would have taken more pictures. The only reason I made it through the first day`s hike was by remembering that my 4-year-old was ahead of me! :) Seriously, it was over 10 km and steep and took us over 5 hours! I was really proud of both of the kids (and myself too) to complete such a hike. We hope to do lots more over the next couple of months as spring time is the best time for hiking in Japan.

On Saturday we went for a shorter (and easier) hike along the coastline of Jyogasaki. It was really beautiful as well and I was able to take lots of pictures:

Oh and we got back from Washington just in time to see the cherry blossoms! Here`s a picture near the cottage we stayed at on the weekend. The town of Jyogasaki is gorgeous. It would be the perfect place to have a cabin (if you live in Tokyo/Yokohama):