Katykins in Action
The Kitty is doing well. She`s gained lots of weight and is very playful now as well as sweet. We will take her in for another vaccination at the end of the week and soon it will be time to get her "fixed". I can`t believe how much sunshine and love she has brought into our home. It`s so great. Tigerpapa is particularly smitten. which is very cute. I`m glad because now he has someone to keep him company when the kids and I go home for Christmas. :)

Tiger-auntie arrived on Tuesday for two weeks and the kids are so happy to spend time with her (as are Tigerpapa and I). The kids have a holiday from school coming up so we are planning a trip to Jordan to float in the Dead Sea. We will also spend a night in the mountains this weekend and see the famous "Cedars of Lebanon". It should be fun. Finally, we plan to go here:

It`s a vineyard and winery owned and operated by a single family. They started producing wine in 2004 or 2005 so it`s a very young estate. Anyway, the tour is very informative and they serve a lovely lunch with, you guessed it, tons of wine to taste! We have been once before and were so impressed that we chose it as the "wine destination" for Tiger-auntie.
A coffee break with Tiger-auntie:

Lastly, here is a picture of me from the 1950`s. I think I look a little bit like my mom...she had the same kind of glasses:

Tiger-auntie arrived on Tuesday for two weeks and the kids are so happy to spend time with her (as are Tigerpapa and I). The kids have a holiday from school coming up so we are planning a trip to Jordan to float in the Dead Sea. We will also spend a night in the mountains this weekend and see the famous "Cedars of Lebanon". It should be fun. Finally, we plan to go here:

It`s a vineyard and winery owned and operated by a single family. They started producing wine in 2004 or 2005 so it`s a very young estate. Anyway, the tour is very informative and they serve a lovely lunch with, you guessed it, tons of wine to taste! We have been once before and were so impressed that we chose it as the "wine destination" for Tiger-auntie.
A coffee break with Tiger-auntie:

Lastly, here is a picture of me from the 1950`s. I think I look a little bit like my mom...she had the same kind of glasses: