Tigermama talks

Monday, November 03, 2008

Creative Spelling

I found this taped up on Tigergirl`s wall. It took me a couple of minutes to figure out what she has written. Can you see it?

My favourite part is, "jam and toast" as opposed to "jam and bread". I also enjoyed "a needle pulling fred" which is far more interesting than "a needle pulling thread" if you ask me. :)

The method of teaching reading and writing has changed since I went to school. Along with this "creative spelling" there is a lot of time spent on reading and writing in the classroom. The students have one-on-one conferences every day with the teachers to evaluate their level and see if there are any problems. They also use pens instead of pencils so that the students don`t spend so much time correcting their work. The main goal though is to encourage the children to develop a love of reading. It`s totally working too. Tigergirl told me her favourite part of school is reading from her book bag (a bag of books that is tailored to that child`s level) and she gets very excited when she moves up a level.

I`m off to check Tigergirl`s homework. She has to make a photo/drawing report about the uniqueness of her family....should be interesting!!!


  • At 6:17 AM, Blogger illahee said…

    that's very sweet!

  • At 6:57 PM, Blogger Lulu said…

    OMG that is so cute! I have some things that I wrote when I was little but not as many as I would like!

    It is great that she likes the song and took the time to write it down.

  • At 8:41 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    i remember both girls writing down everything they saw and read. It's amazing how fast they learn !

  • At 10:15 AM, Blogger shinshu life said…

    Wow, trends in teaching reading and writing change so often, hey?

    Go Tigergrl on writing all that out. I love the arrows at the end of the lines showing you were to read next. :)

  • At 4:12 PM, Blogger Tigermama said…

    Thanks Illahee!

    Lulu, I`m thinking of starting a blog to keep track of the Tigerkid`s art etc. Then they can look back on it when they are older. That or a scrapbook. Hmmmm...

    Anon (L or C or Who?), Did you keep the stuff they wrote?

    Fukases, I liked the arrows too. :)

  • At 8:19 AM, Blogger Gina said…

    Very cute!!!

    My favorite part was the "needle pulling Fred" as well!!! You know Tigermama, if we had a big enough sized needle, we could quite possibly pull a guy named Fred with it! : ) LOL! We'd have to wrap Fred with some string first though...to pull him with it though of course, ykwim. : )

    Tigergirl's the best and indeed creative and this gave me a smile today. : ) And I totally back up Tigergirl with the pulling Fred idea! *winks* : )

  • At 4:05 PM, Blogger Tigermama said…

    Gina, that imagine makes me laugh every time I think about it!

  • At 4:59 PM, Blogger jan in nagasaki said…

    no, i think it says a drink with JAN and toast....

    the pen thing is good... I won't let my little students use erasers because they spend too much time erasing trying to make it perfect...

  • At 6:09 PM, Blogger Tigermama said…

    Jan, A drink with JAN and toast (or nachos) sounds great to me! :)

  • At 9:07 PM, Blogger Mary Witzl said…

    I'm grateful for the translation; it might have taken me some time to decipher that! I too love the needle pulling Fred, and how wonderful that your daughter is already enjoying reading.

    Our eldest used to watch a t.v. show in her nursery school which had a theme song entitled 'Hyaku-pasento Yuki.' There was a line in it that began with "Oretachi no moteru kagayaki." Eldest got it as "Oretachi no potato tamayaki." Never matter that this didn't make a lick of sense, we all sing it that way still.

  • At 10:30 PM, Blogger Tigermama said…

    Mary, I like the way you guys sing the song...it`s much cuter!


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