Merry Christmas!

We had a lovely Christmas here in Beirut. On the 23rd, I hosted the infamous Turkey Dinner for 14 of our friends. I ended up cheating and ordering the actual turkey from a catering company because I wasn`t confident about our gas oven or my own turkey roasting abilities. I did, however, make all of the side dishes and deserts as well as a delicious mulled wine (thanks for that recipe Leylao!). ANYHOO, everything turned out well and a good time was had by all!

Christmas eve was spent doing some last minute shopping and then having dinner at our favourite pasta restaurant. It is a teeny tiny place that makes their own pasta and deserts. Then we went home and let the kids open a few presents. They got some wonderful art supplies from auntie K (thanks auntie K!!!) and a craft set and bb gun from Tigerpapa`s friend (thanks M-san!), as well as the present from Tigerpapa and I. Tigergirl got a digital "Barbie" camera and Tigerboy got "WOW The Visual Encyclopedia of everything".

The kid`s made some gifts for each other and for us so we opened those as well. Tigergirl made Tigerboy this picture of Sponge Bob:

Tigerboy made Tigergirl a Magic Wand Finger:

Christmas morning was spent opening our stockings from Santa Claus. The Tigerkids asked for 2 or 3 small things each and were happy to see that Santa complied with their wishes. We try to keep it simple and low-key. After the stockings were opened we went to our favourite cafe, PAUL, for brunch. They have a gorgeous real hot chocolate drink served with homemade croissants and other yummy breads followed by a fluffy cheese omelet. It was delicious! The rest of the day was spent playing with new toys, watching movies, and then driving down to Saida just to get out of the house for awhile.
Tigerpapa and I got presents too in case you were wondering! I get to go to London for 5 days at the end of December and Tigerpapa just ordered a new watch that he`s been eyeing for the last few months. We also got a beautiful snowflake chime to help decorate our home (Thanks auntie K!).
Merry Christmas Everyone!!!!!