Tigermama talks

Monday, May 11, 2009

Syria and Jordan Part 2

Our last sightseeing day was spent exploring Mt. Nebo and the site of Jesus' baptism in the Jordan river. We found Mt. Nebo after 2 hours of driving through the back country. It seemed to take a tad too long to get there and we found out later that we were right about that as Mt. Nebo is only 10 minutes from the hotel. That is, IF one were to turn left rather than right upon exiting the hotel. Live and learn (or mutter if you are Tigerpapa). It was too hazy to see anything from the lookout point but here's a nice plaque telling you what is out there on a clear day, The Promised Land:

The Jordan river:

The place where John the Baptist baptized Jesus:

Come to visit me and I will take you to all of these places....without any muttering!


  • At 3:24 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I am blown away- no one can say you're not "worldly", my husband and I always yadda, yadda, he likes being a back seat driver and I like telling him to shut the ____ up or GET OUT!

    The dude has a paper licensee when I met him- he does not have enough experience to back seat drive me..

    I'd love to come visit but my pale skin-- I think I'll need to be drenched in SPF 100- will you be coming back to Japan soon?

  • At 3:45 PM, Blogger marianne said…

    Yes,but will you be the one in charge of the map reading??! Again,it looks incredible.Your lucky lucky kids getting to see so much.Seriously,I have Tigerfamily envy;)

  • At 3:51 PM, Blogger Gina said…

    I would love to see the place where John the Baptist baptized Jesus. That would be amazing! : )

  • At 11:56 PM, Blogger Lily said…

    I have to rub my eyes to believe that you are there. I read it and see it but it is just too amazing to imagine. The Tiger-kids will look back at their expreiences and think "What a kick ass childhood". I wonder how all these amazing experiences will shape them as adults. Could you imagine while growing up in Lethbridge that THIS would be your life.

    So you say I have 2 1/2 years to visit eh? Fingers crossed but as I said it is just too fantastic to imagine possible.

  • At 9:39 PM, Blogger Tigermama said…

    GJ, it sometimes blows my mind too. I never expected to be living in the Middle East. You and your hubs should visit us...we have a big guest room and would love to have visitors!

    Marianne, Low blow! I am actually very good at reading a map...just not when we are IN the car moving from location to location. I couldn't get my bearings!

    Gina, it was really amazing. A blessed place, for sure!

  • At 9:40 PM, Blogger Tigermama said…

    Lily, I KNOW! I never imagined my life would lead me to Japan and then to the Middle East. It's very cool!

  • At 12:29 AM, Blogger Mary Witzl said…

    It is amazing to look at your photos, read the captions, and know that these places are the ones I've heard about all my life. Boy...I am so tempted. And we're really very close here, too!

    (Don't worry: it won't happen! But if it did, wouldn't it be neat to be able to speak Japanese together in Lebanon?)

  • At 3:31 AM, Blogger Tigermama said…

    Mary, I'd love it if you popped over for a visit. You are very welcome here! Although, the "speaking Japanese together" won't happen as my Japanese is not very good. I can comprehend a lot but my vocab is seriously limited!

    At the very least, I could send you some spices...just say the word. :)


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