Tigermama talks

Sunday, April 05, 2009


We will go to Jordan next week and stay 3 nights camping under the desert stars at a Bedouin campground. In preparation for all the hiking and sightseeing, we bought the kids some serious hiking boots. Today we walked to the downtown to break them in a bit and get the kids used to how they feel. It was a beautiful day with little traffic and few people out and about (downtown, that is...the corniche was a different story!).

After the Bedouin experience, we will head to the Dead Sea and stay at a resort hotel for two nights. I have been reading up on Jordan and it seems April is the perfect time to go there as the weather will be ideal. I'm really looking forward to exploring Jordan, especially Petra where they filmed some of the Indiana Jones film. Tomorrow night I will rent the movie and we will all watch it together in anticipation of our trip.

Tigerpapa will check and see if he can get an extra day off next week so that we can spend a day in Syria. We figure since we are driving to Jordan (that means going through Syria), we may as well spend a day exploring Damascus!

Just imagine if YOU (and that means YOU!!) come and visit us in Beirut, you could be doing all of this with us! ;) :)


  • At 9:53 PM, Blogger shinshu life said…

    Oh wow. Sleeping in a Bedouin camp AND seeing where they shot Indy Jones?? You better stop by the airport to pick me up first, I'll be on the next plane!

    It must be great to have kids old enough to do adventurous holidays. We've tent camped twice now and until Amy gets more used to not sleeping in her bed it's really not very restful as she thrashes about all night.

    I guess I'll just have to live vicariously through you for the time being!

  • At 1:04 PM, Blogger Heidi said…

    Oooh, I so want to go over and visit you guys but experiencing your exotic locale through your blog will have to do for now. :-)

    Have fun and be safe!

  • At 1:37 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Oh Tigermama! My hubs went an soaked in the Dead Sea but like Heather said... I will have to live vicariously through you.

    I have never tent camped before except at a beach front when I was a child- that does not count.

    And Jordan, sleeping under the stars. It sounds like pure bliss.

    Take tons of photos, the farthest I have been is Dubai..

  • At 5:08 PM, Blogger Tigermama said…

    Fukases, the kids really are fun at this age. I can't wait to get them hiking on the west coast of Canada.

    Heidi, thanks!

    GJ, The tents are pretty nice...not like the kind you pitch at a campground. These are permanent and large with beds inside...not too rough!

  • At 7:48 PM, Blogger Lulu said…

    Oh wow, the hiking boots sound great!!

    The kids are so lucky to be having so much travel experience at this age- they have travelled more than me I beleive so I am extremely jealous!!!

    The trip to Jordan sounds lovely- I can not wait to see pics and hear about it. Safe travels!

  • At 6:02 PM, Blogger Lily said…

    Oh how i wish I could come and visit in Beirut!!! CAmping sounds fantastic, you guys are fully appreciating the unique experience...cheers to all of you in the adventurous tiger family.

    Enjoy the vacation!!!

  • At 9:33 AM, Blogger Gina said…

    I think the camping in Jordan and the resort near the Dead Sea, just all of these things are so cool!!! The experiences and things you and your family are getting to see and do are so amazing! Have fun!!! : )

    And I like the pic of the kids in their hiking boots. Go kids go!!! : )

  • At 12:03 AM, Blogger Tigermama said…

    Lulu, I am so grateful that my kids can have these experiences! I hope they will remember everything.

    Lily, you've got 2.5 years to come see us! :)

    Gina, thank you! As I mentioned to Lulu, I am really happy that we have these opportunities. It has really opened our eyes!

  • At 7:39 AM, Blogger Kappa no He said…

    I just bought my tickets. I'll be at the airport at noon tomorrow. I will bring my hiking boots as well.

    That sounds like so much fun. I know you'll all have a blast. Remember, take tons of pictures. I bet you could blog for a year on all the fun you'll have.

  • At 5:04 PM, Blogger illahee said…

    tagged you!

  • At 7:04 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I just wanted to thank-you for the b-day wishes!!!!!

    You are so kind and thoughtful, I hope you had a smashing time and soaked away in utter bliss in those fab tents!!!!!

    Cheers Darling!

  • At 1:03 PM, Anonymous Samantha Tsunezumi said…

    Long time.. ne?
    Love reading about you guys..

    It amazes me how you are experiencing MY region, just from the opposite side.
    We spent a day at the dead sea in our last visit to Israel (and must admit that it is NOT my favorite place on earth, though my hubbies sentiments are different, but August is not April, so that might be part of it..).

    When are you planing to cross over the border and go to Israel?
    I plan on going this summer, so if you have time... ;-)

    Hope you had a great time

  • At 5:37 AM, Blogger Lily said…


  • At 9:33 PM, Blogger Tigermama said…

    Samantha! The Dead Sea would be scorching in August, are you crazy?!! We would love to "cross over" but you know how it is...will have to wait until we leave Lebanon.


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