Tigermama talks

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

A Meme

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

I found this on one of the blogs I read and thought it would be fun to throw it out into the blogosphere.

Outside my window... it`s a bright sunny day with a teeny tiny little nip in the air (I LOVE it!).

I am thinking... about whether I should take the kids to Prague for a week at the beginning of December. Tigerpapa can`t come so it would be just me and the kids.

I am thankful for... everything, especially my family.

From the kitchen... I plan to make squash risotto and wholewheat biscuits for dinner. I have never made risotto before so it should be interesting.

I am wearing... a cream coloured long-sleeve sweater with a hood and jeans.

I am creating... nothing lately. Maybe I`ll try to start knitting again.

I am going... to go across the street to the German Cultural Center to buy some homemade bread. Then I will drive to a furniture store to look for a shoe closet for our entrance.

I am reading... "Merry Christms Amelia Bedelia" and "Girls of Riyadh" by Rajaa Alsanea

I am hoping... and praying for my mom!

I am hearing... an awesome 1980`s compilation cd that my LSF (Lovely Scottish Friend) gave me for Christmas last year. It`s currently playing the theme from Miami Vice...wait, its now changed to "Life in a Northern Town" by The Dream Academy.

Around the house... things are sparkling clean and organized because the home helper came yesterday! :).

One of my favorite things... is to snuggle with the kids and read them a story before bed. Right now we are reading "The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe". I also like chocolate and coffee.

A few plans for the rest of the week... I will volunteer in Tigergirl`s classroom to help with handwriting and find some pictures to go on our walls. I`d also like to get our Christmas picture taken so that I can get my cards sent out in time!

Here is picture thought I am sharing... I feel this bumper sticker really represents the people here in Beirut....at least in my recent experience:

Here are the people I`m tagging... Midori, Gina, Shinshu Life, Jan, and Lily.


  • At 5:17 PM, Blogger Gina said…

    Sounds like fun, I'll do it! Count me in!!! : D

  • At 10:31 PM, Blogger shinshu life said…

    How did the risotto go? I make mushroom risotto but for some odd reason I'd never thought of trying any other version. Me thinks it's time!!

    Is that bumper sticker for real? Like, ME doesn't stand for Mohammed's Eagles baseball team or something like that? There's a trend here among the decomail kittychan purse brigade for those fundraising ribbons. Great, yeah? Only they're not Japanese ribbon but straight from the USA 'save our troops' and 'God Loves Hawaii'. And for some odd reason they're ususally stuck on sideways like they've mixed them up with the Jesus fish stickers. Bizarre.

    And I love that your kids still want to be read to.

    Thanks for the tag- it was fun. :)

  • At 4:58 PM, Blogger Tigermama said…

    Yay Gina, I`m looking forward to reading it!

    Fukases, we ended up making a fancy mac and cheese casserole because I had promised Tigergirl she could cook last night. I will try the risotto tonight and, if it`s good, pass on the recipe.

    And, YES that bumper sticker is for real!

  • At 10:16 PM, Blogger Mary Witzl said…

    Oh, I loved reading The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe with my kids! I feel nostalgic just thinking about it. And I wish I was having squash risotto for dinner!

  • At 8:41 AM, Blogger Kappa no He said…

    I made a tomato risotto just yesterday! Squash sounds good.

    I loved the kitty picture, too.


  • At 4:52 PM, Blogger Tigermama said…

    Mary, I adore C.S. Lewis, and not just the Narnia series. His writing on Christianity is really good too.

    Kappa, I have never heard of tomatoe risotto. Was it good?


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