Tigermama talks

Sunday, January 21, 2007


You might think that living miles and miles away from your home country would be difficult. You might think that it would be lonley and sad. You might think that it would be stressful and annoying. And you`d be right it CAN be all of those things.....unless you happen to have fabulous sistahs like I do. Than it`s not always so bad.

Witness Exhibit A:

And Exhibit B:

Those two pictures are just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to care packages that I have received in the last 5 years. I`ve had so many nice packages sent to me since I moved here that I`ve seriously lost count (not just from sistahs either...mom and dad, brothers, and friends too!) and I hope you all know how much it means to me to receive them. And not just because I get stuff. It`s the love and thoughtfulness that goes INTO the packages that give me such joy. The fact that one of you remembered that I like "Moleskin" notebooks and sent an article about them. The fact that one of you read my blog and saw that I was running out of coconut milk powder so you went and got me TWENTY FIVE packs of the stuff to tide me over! The fact that one of you knew I needed some spiritual guidance and so you sent me a gorgeous handmade (by YOU) rosary. Oh, and the fact that ALL of you almost always remember my deep need and love of all things chocolate......and caramel.......or chocolate AND caramel or...well, you get the picture.

These packages are just one of the reasons (there are many others!) that I don`t feel so very far away from all of you. So I thank you for taking the time to think of me and for making my life over here less lonely. Arigatou ne!


  • At 7:26 AM, Blogger marianne said…

    What a wonderful family(and friends) you have.I haven't had a care package in ages.Maybe my lot need more hints!Enjoy that chocolate and caramel;-)

  • At 8:47 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    YUM!! Chocolate and caramel are my two favourite things as well!!!

    Care packages are definitely the only thing that makes life in Japan just about bearable!!

  • At 9:25 AM, Blogger Lily said…

    Ditto for me Marianne. Tigermama- you must be a truly special person to have such thoughtful people in your life. I get care packages once every couple of years! Actually that is sort of a lie- MIL sends Kyushu treats and underwear and/or books for my boys once a month or so (but I suspect its more for the care of the boys)
    Someday, when I make my way to Okinawa or you visit family in Yokohama we MUST meet. It is uncanny :)

  • At 5:17 PM, Blogger Trisha said…

    Nothing feels better than getting a care package from home! Nice to have people thinking of you! If you have a minute stop by and read my post Soap Suds and let me know what you think. I would really appreciate it!

  • At 6:22 AM, Blogger Perogyo said…

    How awesome is that?

    I totally understand how even more than what's in the package, it's the love that goes into it that makes it so special.

    That being said - I have suddenly developed a craving for pecan chews.

  • At 4:12 PM, Blogger Tigermama said…

    The pecan chews are almost gone and dh has been in Tokyo for a few days so you know I`VE eaten all of them. oink oink.

    Lily, we WILL meet one of these days, I just know it. And I have to say we get lots of packages from MIL too...
    usually rice and other types of food.

    I hereby promise to send each of you a care package once per year IF we ever move back to Canada.

  • At 12:24 PM, Blogger Gina said…

    I agree, I get many care packages from home myself. From my mom and dad mostly. Aunties and cousins around holidays. But about 1 a month from either my mom and dad for sure! Getting a care package makes me feel "thought of" and not forgotton all the way over here in Japan. So, I hear ya! : )

    BTW, I also send great care packages myself, so I like sending them off, as well as receiving them : )


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