Tigermama talks

Friday, March 02, 2007


The kids had their "hapyokai" (school show) a couple of weeks ago and I`ve been meaning to post a couple of pictures. Our camera is getting old and sometimes it acts up and the pictures don`t turn out even though I`ve done everything right. It`s unfortunate that it tends to happen at big events but what can you do? Anyhoo, this one says it all:

Which one of these things is not like the other? Haha. Tigergirl is always doing her own thing. Thankfully, she doesn`t take it too far.

Here`s Tigerboy. He always follows instructions to a tee. They are soooo different!

I was especially impressed with Tigerboy`s class`s skit. They did a rendition of the book, "No David" which is a book about a naughty little boy who keeps doing things to make his mother say, "No David". It`s a great book and really funny. I actually use the English version in my classes and it`s always a favourite. Anyway, Tigerboy`s line was "You must put the garbage in the waste basket" and he did it clearly and in a great loud voice. I was very proud of him. :)

Have a great weekend!


  • At 4:42 PM, Blogger coarse gold girl said…

    LOL "strike a pose!" Love Tigergirl's attitude! My DD#2 likes to scan the crowd, locate us and then dramatically roll her eyes and pretend to be so bored she's falling asleep. . . that is when she takes a break from tickling and nuzzling (yes nuzzling) the little boys on either side of her. Her youchien likes to line them up boy girl boy girl!

    No David!--one of my all time favorite books. The preschoolers at the school I taught at in Osaka adored it as well. Have you come across the book "Wait! No Paint!" another family favorite here--very funny retelling of the 3 little pigs.

  • At 7:29 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    she marches to the beat of a different drummer.

    wonder where she go that?

    love, Jan.

  • At 11:42 PM, Blogger Sarah@mommyinjapan said…

    I love the school recitals! It's amazing how much they are able to get preschool children to do. My mom teaches elementary music in Canada and she has a hard time getting the kids to bow together nevermind play musical instruments, memorize lines, etc. I tell her it's because they can take the whole day, every day to practice not just two hours a week but she's still impressed.

    My second is always doing her own thing while my first does everything exactly as she was told. It seems like this is some kind of universal truth or something!

  • At 9:30 AM, Blogger Tigermama said…

    CGG, that is too funny about your dd#2. I imagine she will be quite the handful as she gets older if she is already rolling her eyes! :) Also, if you have any other recomendation for good teaching story books, please let me know. I`m always looking for good books!

    Jan, Well it couldn`t have been from me. I`m a stickler for rules and doing things "properly" especially when it comes to "Fletch-type" behaviour...heeheehee.

    Sarah, I love the recitals too especially as the kids get older. It is so very entertaining. I wish I could post the video clip of the 5-year-old class doing the hula hoop. Tigerpapa and I couldn`t stop laughing....and neither of our kids were even doing it! And I think there is some truth to how Japanese kids can do more complicated routines at a younger age. My younger sister is a dancer and teaches young kids too and she said the same thing as your mom!

  • At 12:31 PM, Blogger coarse gold girl said…

    Not to mention origami! It had never really struck me as amazing that my girls were folding origami from the age of three or so. . . I mean they do it at Hoikuen, then in youchien. . . it just seemed natural. So when my DD#1 at the age of 5 went to a private American preschool for three months in Indiana, we decided to teach her class how to fold a really simple origami cat and dog. Chaos! Those American kids had the hardest time imaginable just folding a square of origami over to make a triangle! I was so surprised! But it was really difficult for the kids in the class to 1)stay at the tables and focus on the origami project 2)fold the origami.

    Although my kids seem to lose all ability to focus, sit quietly, and be methodic about ANYTHING once they let out a loud "Tadaima" and come on through the door!

  • At 5:40 PM, Blogger Gina said…

    Ohhh, I love school recital pics, they're always so fun to see! I woulda totally loved to see the hoola hoop thing, ha ha ha! : )

    And yes, I too am often amazed by how the teachers at yochiens can teach the wee ones so much! : )

    LOL, CGG about the origami! My husband way back when when we were dating, would fold all these cute little cranes and such for me. I tried to make one as well. Forget about it! I was a total disaster, my paper ended up with crease overload! It was a real mess! Even now, I can't do origami! By my 5 year old son can and has since age 3 like you said, it's amazing!: )

    Have a great weekend Tigermama from the boys and I, over here in Chiba : )

  • At 8:33 AM, Blogger Tigermama said…

    Ah yes, origami! When I was teaching full-time BMBK (before marriage, before kids), the students would swarm around me asking me to make something for them in origami. The only thing I knew how to make was one of those really simple airplanes (NOT origami, just folding the paper into an airplane shape). Well, after that, none of the kids asked me again....it was THAT bad!

    Have a great weekend too Gina!

  • At 6:04 AM, Blogger Sheri said…

    love the 'tude from Tigergirl! Recitals are so much fun, aren't they? Mine looks around and when he finds us can't stop smiling at us, which works out well for pix!:)


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